PHP Bitbucket API

Simple Bitbucket API wrapper for PHP


Although you can access any public data without authentication, you need to authenticate before you can access certain features like (but not limited to) accessing data from a private repository, or give access to a repository. Bitbucket provides Basic and OAuth authentication.

Basic authentication

To use basic authentication, you need to attach BasicAuthListener to http client with your username and password.

  $user = new Bitbucket\API\User();
      new Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\BasicAuthListener($bb_user, $bb_pass)

  // now you can access protected endpoints as $bb_user
  $response = $user->get();

OAuth1 authorization

This library comes with a OAuthListener which will sign all requests for you. All you need to do is to attach the listener to http client with oauth credentials before making a request.

OAuth1 1-legged

  // OAuth 1-legged example
  // You can create a new consumer at:<username or team>/api
  $oauth_params = array(
      'oauth_consumer_key'      => 'aaa',
      'oauth_consumer_secret'   => 'bbb'

  $user = new Bitbucket\API\User;
      new Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuthListener($oauth_params)

  // now you can access protected endpoints as consumer owner
  $response = $user->get();

OAuth1 3-legged

You can use any 3rd party library to complete this flow and set OAuth credentials when you instantiate OAuthListener.

In the following example PHP League's OAuth 1.0 Client is used.


  // @see:<username>/api
  $oauth_params = array(
      'identifier'    => 'aaa',
      'secret'        => 'bbb',
      'callback_uri'  => ''

  $server = new League\OAuth1\Client\Server\Bitbucket($oauth_params);

  if (array_key_exists('profile', $_GET)) {
      if (false === array_key_exists('bb_credentials', $_SESSION)) {
          header('Location: ' . $oauth_params['callback_uri']);

      $oauth_params = array_merge(unserialize($_SESSION['bb_credentials']), array(
          'oauth_consumer_key'        => $oauth_params['identifier'],
          'oauth_consumer_secret'     => $oauth_params['secret'],
          'oauth_callback'            => $oauth_params['callback_uri'],

      $bitbucket = new \Bitbucket\API\Api();
          new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuthListener($oauth_params)

      /** @var \Bitbucket\API\User $user */
      $user = $bitbucket->api('User');

      $profile = json_decode($user->get()->getContent(), true);
      echo sprintf('<a href="?logout">Logout %s</a>', $profile['user']['username']);

      // show all user repositories
      echo '<h3>My repositories:</h3><ul>';
      array_walk($profile['repositories'], function($repository) {
          $repositoryUrl = str_replace('/1.0/repositories/', '', $repository['resource_uri']);
          echo sprintf(
              '<li><a href="">%s</a></li>', $repositoryUrl, $repository['name']
      echo '</ul>';
  } elseif (array_key_exists('login', $_GET)) {
      // Retrieve temporary credentials
      $temporaryCredentials = $server->getTemporaryCredentials();

      // Store credentials in the session, we'll need them later
      $_SESSION['temporary_credentials'] = serialize($temporaryCredentials);

      // Second part of OAuth 1.0 authentication is to redirect the
      // resource owner to the login screen on the server.
  } elseif (array_key_exists('oauth_token', $_GET) && array_key_exists('oauth_verifier', $_GET)) {
      // Retrieve the temporary credentials we saved before
      $temporaryCredentials = unserialize($_SESSION['temporary_credentials']);

      // We will now retrieve token credentials from the server
      $tokenCredentials = $server->getTokenCredentials(
          $temporaryCredentials, $_GET['oauth_token'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']

      $oauth_params = array(
          'oauth_token'               => $tokenCredentials->getIdentifier(),
          'oauth_token_secret'        => $tokenCredentials->getSecret()

      unset($_SESSION['temporary_credentials'], $_SESSION['token_credentials']);
      $_SESSION['bb_credentials'] = serialize($oauth_params);

      // redirect the user to the profile page, in order to fetch his/her information.
      header('Location: '.$oauth_params['callback_uri'].'?profile');
  } elseif (array_key_exists('logout', $_GET)) {

  echo '<a href="?login">Login with BitBucket!</a>';

OAuth2 authorization

You can use OAuth2Listener in order to make authorized requests using version 2 of OAuth protocol.

OAuth2 client credentials (2-legged flow)

  // @see:<username or team>/api
  $oauth_params = array(
      'client_id'         => 'aaa',
      'client_secret'     => 'bbb'

  $bitbucket = new \Bitbucket\API\Api();
      new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuth2Listener($oauth_params)

  $repositories = $bitbucket->api('Repositories');
  $response     = $repositories->all('my_account'); // should include private repositories

OAuth2 Authorization code (3-legged flow)

You can use any 3rd party library to complete this flow and set access_token option when you instantiate OAuth2Listener.

In the following example PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client is used with Bitbucket Provider.


  $provider = new Stevenmaguire\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Bitbucket([
      'clientId'          => $_ENV['bitbucket_consumer_key'],
      'clientSecret'      => $_ENV['bitbucket_consumer_secret'],
      'redirectUri'       => ''
  if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {

      // If we don't have an authorization code then get one
      $authUrl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl();
      $_SESSION['oauth2state'] = $provider->getState();
      header('Location: '.$authUrl);

  // Check given state against previously stored one to mitigate CSRF attack
  } elseif (empty($_GET['state']) || ($_GET['state'] !== $_SESSION['oauth2state'])) {

      exit('Invalid state');

  } else {

      // Try to get an access token (using the authorization code grant)
      $token = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
          'code' => $_GET['code']

      $bitbucket = new Bitbucket\API\Repositories();
          new \Bitbucket\API\Http\Listener\OAuth2Listener(
              array('access_token'  => $token->getToken())

      echo $bitbucket->all('my_account')->getContent(); // should include private repositories