PHP Bitbucket API

Simple Bitbucket API wrapper for PHP


Provides functionality for querying information about groups, creating new ones, updating memberships, and deleting them.


$groups = new Bitbucket\API\Groups();
$groups->setCredentials( new Bitbucket\API\Authentication\Basic($bb_user, $bb_pass) );

Get a list of groups:


Get a list of matching groups:

$groups->get($account_name, array(
    'group' => 'repo_name/administrators'

Create a new group:

$groups->create($account_name, 'testers');

Update a group:

$groups->update($account_name, 'testers', array(
    'accountname'   => 'gentlero',
    'name'          => 'Dummy group'

Delete a group:

$groups->delete($account_name, 'testers');